13 Ways to Make Money Online from a website fast

Let’s start good earning from your site after knowing the best ways to make money online from a website own by you.

Just like other entrepreneurs you can also earn a good income from your site by following the intelligent ideas for becoming rich.

Read the methods below here..

Ways to Make Money online from a website


1 – Google Adsense

This is the most common and easiest way to monetize your blog or website. If any one ask the most trusted method of getting dollars from a site then Adsense is at No.1 position and it is the income source of every second blogger in the world. The amount of earning depends on the traffic of the sites on which adsese enabled. To start adsense earning follow the steps. You can see also here.

Intelligent peoples add adsense on the micro niche blogs and get higher CTR and CPC with same efforts. So if you want to monetize with Adsense then just apply and add adsense code on you site after getting approved.

More clicks on the ads = More Adsense income


2 – BuySellAds.com – Sell Ads on Monthly Basis

If you want to get advertisement on your site on monthly basis then buysellads.com is the best option and it offers wide size variety so you can sell ad spaces on various sizes and it pays 75 % of the advertising revenue to the publisher.

So If you want to sell ads spaces through buysellads.com then first apply by making your site eligible according to their guidelines and after getting approved ad their ad boxes to your site and mention the price of per ad you want to charge from advertiser.


3 – Join Affiliate programs and Add affiliate links to your site

First join the niche related affiliate programs of top brands in your category and add the affiliate banners and links offering by them to your site. If you run any blog or site about beauty then join the affiliate programs of beauty creams and other beauty products and add affiliate links on your site when ever people will buy the products after clicking affiliate links through your site you will earn income.

No. of sales of products through affiliate link / Banner = Commision per sale

Ways to Make Money Online from a website

                                      Image courtesy of Sujin Jetkasettakorn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


4 – Offer Paid Review

If your site is based on specific category and have good Alexa Rank + PR + no. of visitors then you can get chance of getting paid just by writing review about the product or service or the company. Most of the bloggers or website owners get paid $ 100 to $ 500 per review writing on their blogs post.

Now question is how we can get more paid reviews on our websites or blogs ?

Answer is make your site minimum eligibility as mentioned below..

A – Alexa Rank – under 10K ( Globally )

B – Page Rank – PR 3 +

C – No. of visitors – 3000 + unique visitors per day

D – Twitter Followers of site / Blog – 5000+ followers

E – Facebook fans – 10000 plus


5 – Start Email Marketing – first collect email subscribers through websites 

Email marketing is the most effective and highly recommended method by top internet earners in the world. If you have good amount of registered email subscribers then email marketing to them is gold mine for your website’s good future and you can complete your all dreams just by making good list of email subscribers. Most effective among all ways to make money online from a website.

Now the question is how to start ?

Just Join Aweber and add email subscription form to your website and let your visitor turn to convert into email subscriber who is interested in receiving newsletter or information updates about the products of the related to category of your site. If you have

1000 + Email Subscribers = it means website started giving money

2500 + Email Subscribers = Good income sign

5000 – 10000 subscribers = You are going to earn 6 figure income from blog / website

10000 + Email subscribers = Rock the world and enjoy dot com life style

Read more Ways to Make Money Online from a website


6 – Offer Paid Listing to Business owners / website 

If you think your site has good traffic and can be a community in the niche then make a section in your site for the listing of related websites or blog owners for thei businesses or products and offer paid listing and earn handsome payment on every business / website listing in section and let the buyer contact the person directly.

ways to make money online fast

Image courtesy of chanpipat at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


7 – Make your site as marketplace

It is the most brilliant idea among all ways to make money online from a website and every rising site is getting advantage just by connecting buyer and seller at one place and get fix commission on every sale. The biggest advantage is no need to make products or no headache of providing services let the vendor do it and enjoy the income through commission. Alternatively you can offer sites for free samples in India of products online and with coupon code also.

Example – Junglee.com, Fiverr.com, seoclerks.com


8 – Sell own branded products or services directly

If you are able to make your own products and want to earn 100 % of your profit then this is the nicest among all ways to make money online from a website. The advantage of selling products directly through your site is own branding, own profit and own terms and full control over the quality and features of products or services.


9 – Offer Paid Membership for premium access

If you think that your site has highly valuable content or some special facility that is not available any where at free of cost and can be valuable for peoples then paid membership is the nice idea to monetize traffic of your site.

You can start some specific paid membership forums on your site where industry related professionals / bloggers can find each other for any business deal or something like that work so they will happily pay you a membership fee.


10 – Sell Advertising space Directly 

If you have thousands of visitors per day on your websites or blog and if you don’t want to share your ads income with any advertising network then just make attractive ad logo on your site ” Your Ad Here ” and make good contact form attached with the ad link and show the benefits of advertising on your site to the advertisers. Tell the number of advantages which advertisers can get by purchasing ad space on your website.


11 – Sell an E-Book Online

If you have good knowledge about the topic of your website then just make an e-book and sell it online through your website. In this ways you will not only make good money but you will also be known as the authority person in your niche.

For example if you are an seo technique expert then just make an e-book containing all step by step guide of using seo software and write down important secrets to be rank higher in organic search and sell it online for make money.


12 – Start Consulting Online or Live Workshop

Peoples are crazy about to get live online consultancy related to their problems because we all know that getting advices face to face is very important to understand the things in a right way. Because of increase in the use of internet trend of online consultancy is now increasing regularly and experts of the niche are becoming millionair easily.


13 – Finally sell your website

Buying and selling of already stablished website now became big business to make money online and it has been observed that in last few years we have seen the big billion deals when any website is sold for millions and billions also.

But for that you have to make your site popular and to start with some different concept because buyers always like new concepts in the online market and you site must have good online repuation like thousands of visitors per day, thousands of email subscribers and social media followers also. These are the right ways to make money online from a website.


You can use Flippa.com to find good buyers for your site.


If you have know some more ways to make money online from a website so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.