3 Ways to Make Visitor-Friendly Websites in Minutes

The rise of the information age has revolutionized everything in our lives. It’s an era of automation now. Topics are Driverless cars, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality is new normal.  Likewise, a thing which has wholly shifted the life of every human being from Africa to America, China to Russia and across everywhere is ‘Internet.’ It’s a power of the internet that has impacted us in a variety of ways. We can socialize with ease with people living anywhere.

E-commerce is a phenomenon which needs no introduction, and it’s going to be a trillion dollar industry in the coming years. Online education is another saving grace of internet which has changed the lives of people living anywhere. No hurdle can stop you from getting educated; all you need is a laptop with internet connectivity and see your life changing in a matter of moments.

Though, the internet has proved itself to be a problem solver — a place where you can auction, buy or sell. Learn and educated, and some much more. Revolution of the Internet was not steady; it happened in layers, uncountable ups, and downs.

Likewise, a thing which is a permanent connector between a service, product or brand and ultimate users is ‘Web Site.’ If you want to liberate people from the darkness of ignorance, develop a website and start educating. If you have the best business plan, create an e-commerce website and start making money. So, the site is the precursor of everything that happens on the Internet.

Do you want to know what are the tips to make website visitor-friendly? Just follow these three steps mentioned here and ease up your journey:

1- Intuitive Navigation is Vital for Better User Experience


Navigating a website shouldn’t be a treasure hunt. An easy-to-navigate website is what that catches the attention of a visitor. Overflowing a site with the useless option and the unnecessary thing could be good-looking to you, but in visitor’s eyes, they are straight futile, and you will start losing the confidence of your visitors.

Intuitive navigation completes user-experience. It’s what visitors look for when they visit a new website for any purpose. Would you like to see your visitor leaving your website within seconds? Not at all. You got your online site developed after loads of hours, hard work and planning; and, seeing your website not ranking well would be a total disappointment.

However, you don’t need to feel disheartened; you’re just a single step away from your getting rid of technical malfunctioning, get professional assistance and you will on the way to quick improvement.

2- Get Rid of Clutter off Your Website

What a great thing once a sane and wise man said, ‘Minimalism isn’t just about subtraction for subtraction, It’s a subtraction for the sake of the focus.’ It comes true for web design as well. That’s why; it’s important to have a clutter-free website and here you will be at ease of catching the attention of your visitors.

The clutter-filled website isn’t just bad regarding user interaction. Even, it gives you the worst time when it comes to search rankings. Such a website takes loading time which is one of the factors to degrade you in searches on any search engine from Google to Bing.

It’s a cardinal sin to keep your website cluttered; take a step right away and fix this issue before you exit.

3- Every Page is Home Page

People often visit the home page as compared to other pages of a website. However, it’s not a professional approach at all to give you 80% of your time to the home page and the rest of 20% only to other pages. It’s a lame approach; it makes you bogged down and moving ahead becomes a hard-nut-to-crack.

Your best moment to ameliorate your flaws is now. Take a step further and rework on the rest of the pages.

If you’re making a website from scratch, keep in mind that your website and its usability isn’t just limited to the homepage and contact us page. Each page of your website is your hope to get you ranked and to get you recognized.

Let’s say, you’re eagerly wanting to open a real estate agency in Dubai and you want to sell different types of properties from studio flats to shops and penthouses, so here, you need to create a website which provides full information on each keyword attached with word Dubai, it’s the way to rank higher and make sales, hurray.

Unfortunately, if it is hard to actualize what you idealize because of technical knowledge or know-how; get an expert company for web development Dubai, and see your results going through the roof.

Wrap Up

Your website is your representative. It’s your voice. A face which people look at when they visit you on the internet. Social media do contribute toward spreading the word of positivity about you. If people find clutter, disorganization and total mess, it will be an off-putting and saddening experience.

Work to create Intuitive navigation, treat every page as the home page and get rid of the website as soon as possible and time will come you will start realizing good feedback by humans and non-human bots of Google or Bings.

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