How to Keep Safe in WordPress: Cybersecurity Tips

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering over 40% of all websites. However, its popularity also makes it a prime target for cyberattacks.

Recent reports highlight the increasing threats to WordPress sites, including sneaky code that can steal credit card data and vulnerabilities in plugins being exploited by hackers. Here are some essential cybersecurity tips to help you keep your WordPress site safe.


  1. Keep WordPress Updated

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to secure your WordPress site is to keep it updated. This includes the WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Regular updates often include security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities.

  1. Use Trusted Plugins and Themes

Only install plugins and themes from reputable sources. According to The Hacker News, vulnerabilities in plugins are a common attack vector. Ensure that the plugins and themes you use are regularly updated and well-reviewed by the community.

  1. Implement Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Weak passwords are an open invitation to hackers. Use strong, unique passwords for all user accounts on your WordPress site. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security. This way, even if a password is compromised, unauthorized access can still be prevented.

  1. Regular Backups

Perform regular backups of your WordPress site. In the event of a cyberattack, having a recent backup can save you from significant data loss and downtime. Use reliable backup plugins and store backups in a secure, offsite location.

  1. Secure Your WordPress Admin Area

Restrict access to your WordPress admin area by limiting login attempts and using a security plugin to enforce strong security measures. Consider changing the default login URL from “wp-admin” to something less predictable.

  1. Install Security Plugins

Utilize security plugins that offer comprehensive protection for your WordPress site. These plugins can provide features such as malware scanning, firewall protection, and real-time threat detection. Some popular security plugins include Wordfence, Sucuri Security, and iThemes Security.

  1. Regularly Monitor Your Site

Stay vigilant by regularly monitoring your WordPress site for any unusual activity. This includes checking for unauthorized login attempts, changes to files, and unusual traffic patterns.

Security plugins can help automate this process and alert you to potential threats. If you are not sure about how to do this outsource your work to a digital marketing agency who do regular safety audits to your website. Check out one good example here:

  1. Implement HTTPS

Ensure that your site uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. HTTPS encrypts the data transmitted between the user’s browser and your site, making it harder for hackers to intercept sensitive information. Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted provider and install it on your site.

  1. Disable File Editing

In the WordPress dashboard, there is an option to edit theme and plugin files directly. This feature can be exploited by hackers if they gain access to your admin area. Disable file editing by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:


Copy code

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);

  1. Educate Users and Admins

Ensure that all users and administrators of your WordPress site are aware of security best practices. Regular training and updates on the latest security threats can help prevent human error, which is often a significant factor in security breaches.



Maintaining the security of your WordPress site requires ongoing effort and vigilance. By following these cybersecurity tips and staying informed about the latest threats, you can significantly reduce the risk of your site being compromised.

By implementing these practices, you can ensure that your WordPress site remains secure and continues to provide a safe experience for your users.

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