How to Switch Website From Subdomain to Main Website?

Creating a website is an exciting adventure, and sometimes you might need to switch your website from a subdomain to your main domain. This can make your website more accessible and user-friendly. In this guide, we will take you through the process step by step, so you can confidently move your website to your main domain without any hassle.

Why Switch Website From Subdomain to Main Website?

There are a few reasons to switch a website from a subdomain to the main website:

  1. Improved Branding: When your website resides on your main domain, it portrays a more cohesive and professional image to your visitors. It simplifies your web address, making it easier for people to remember and recognize your brand.
  2. Enhanced SEO: Search engines tend to favor websites with a clear structure. Moving your content from a subdomain to your main domain can help improve your search engine rankings. It consolidates your website’s authority and relevance under one domain, boosting your SEO efforts.
  3. Better User Experience: Having a website on your main domain provides a seamless and consistent user experience. Visitors won’t have to remember a separate subdomain URL, reducing confusion and increasing the chances of return visits.
  4. Simplified Marketing: Your marketing efforts become more straightforward when your website is on your main domain. All your promotional materials, including business cards, brochures, and advertisements, can feature a single web address, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.
  5. Increased Trust: Users tend to trust websites on main domains more than those on subdomains. Switching to your main domain can help establish trust and credibility with your audience.
  6. Better Analytics: Managing website analytics is more efficient when your site is on your main domain. It consolidates data, providing a more accurate view of your website’s performance.
  7. Easier Management: Maintaining one website is more straightforward than managing multiple subdomains. You’ll save time and effort in website management, updates, and maintenance.
  8. Future Growth: If you plan to expand your online presence with additional content or features, having everything under your main domain provides a scalable foundation for future growth.

How to Switch Website From Subdomain to Main Website?

Now, let’s delve into the step-by-step process to make this transition a breeze.

Step 1: Back Up Your Website

Before making any changes, it’s essential to create a backup of your website. This is like a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the transition. You can usually do this through your web hosting provider’s control panel or using a plugin if you’re using a platform like WordPress.

Step 2: Access Your Website Files

Next, you’ll need to access your website files. You can do this through an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client like FileZilla or by using your hosting provider’s file manager. Locate the folder where your website files are stored.

Step 3: Move Your Files

Now, it’s time to move your website files. You want to move them from the subdomain folder to the main domain folder. This can typically be done by selecting all your files, right-clicking, and choosing “Move” or “Cut.” Then, navigate to the main domain folder and paste your files there.

Step 4: Update Website Settings

With your files in the right place, you’ll need to update your website settings. If you’re using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you’ll need to log in to your dashboard and go to the settings section. Update the website URL to reflect your main domain instead of the subdomain.

Step 5: Test Your Website

It’s crucial to test your website thoroughly to ensure everything is working correctly. Click through your pages, test your links, and make sure images and other media are loading correctly. This step helps you catch any issues that may have arisen during the transition.

Step 6: Set Up Redirects

To ensure that visitors who still use the old subdomain can access your site, set up redirects. You can usually do this through your hosting provider’s control panel. Redirect the subdomain to the main domain so that anyone typing the old address will automatically be taken to the new one.

Step 7: Update Search Engines

Don’t forget to let search engines know about your change. You can do this by submitting a sitemap of your new website to search engines like Google and Bing. This helps them index your new site correctly.

Step 8: Monitor Your Website

After the transition, keep a close eye on your website for any issues. Sometimes, small glitches can occur, so it’s essential to be vigilant and fix any problems promptly.


Switching your website from a subdomain to your main domain might sound complicated, but by following these beginner-friendly steps, you can do it smoothly. Remember to back up your website, move your files, update your settings, and test thoroughly. With patience and attention to detail, your website will be confidently residing on your main domain, welcoming visitors with open arms.