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How to Create a Sales Funnel

How to Create a Sales Funnel

Any serious business today has a sales funnel attached to their website. It’s the easiest way of sifting through many visitors to get a buyer. The deal-breaker is that you can easily change any visitor to an actual buyer if you have a solid sales funnel. Still, many marketers find it hard to create the perfect sales funnel that guarantee sale. If you didn’t know, only 21% of marketing leads are converted to sales. At the same time, the marketers who know the craft well can get a conversion rate of 40%. This is determined using a lead tracking system.

Below is the strategy of creating a sales funnel that converts.

Understanding your Target Audience

For any marketing to work, the first step is getting to know more about your target audience. Your product is not for everybody. For instance, not everyone is into the iPhone, although it’s the most bought product today. You can’t throw your sales funnel to everyone coming your way and expect conversions.

Ask yourself, what are their age groups? What kinds of products do they like? What interests them the most? And in this case, what social media channels do they use?

Your sales funnel creation process is made easy after you have narrowed down to the people you want.

Capturing Your Audience Attention

Now that you know your target audience. It’s time to please them and lure them to your website. This means putting intriguing and clickable content in front of them.

A good idea is going the organic route. You will have to post lots of content on your social media channels where the big part of the market dwells. Diversify across images, videos, infographics, and links to authoritative articles from your blog.

If you have the extra cash, running paid ads will work best for you. Before you do that, ensure you know the platform where most of your audience hangs out. For instance, if you deal with the SaaS business, you can start with LinkedIn ads.

Create a Landing Page

Your landing page is the first thing your audience will see on your website. It is also a full representation of your business online. Therefore, take time to ensure that it looks great. A good landing page design should have the following.


The headline is about tapping into the emotion of the visitor. Please don’t use it to describe your service or product. Take an example of Neil Patel’s blog, whose headline is “Do you want more traffic.” It immediately captures attention, which prompts the reader to follow the next step.


It’s now time to “brag” about your product/service. While the headline is to capture the lead’s attention, the subheading dives a little bit deeper with more information about your business.

Use bulleted Points and Simple Copy

No need to put a whole article on the landing page. Nobody reads today unless you are very good at copywriting to grasp attention. Alternatively, have a concise and straightforward copy with bulleted points for scanning.

Have a Testimonial

Testimonials are a great way to prove to your visitors that they have come to the right place. They get to believe you, which affects their purchase decision. Also, cite the source of each testimonial for genuineness.

Create an Emailing List Campaign to Keep in Touch

Not all the visitors will buy your product at first contact. If they don’t, they should at least give you their email address. In other words, people buy from who they trust, and an emailing list helps you build that trust.

You will be sending them a couple of emails every week, at most 2. The emails should not force them to buy from you.

Alternatively, keep them engaged by sending informative articles and useful resources to help them in their endeavors.

When you feel they have gained your trust, it’s time to send them an offer. You will do this simultaneously as you continue building your email list.

Final Thoughts

There are many softwares you can use to build sales funnel. The one that stands out is ClickFunnels. So what is ClickFunnels? It’s a tool developed by internet marketing demigod, Russel Branson. The software walks you through all the stages of a sales funnel.

You can also try LeadPages, Instapage, or Thrive Themes. All the tools do an excellent job of creating robust sales funnels.

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