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Signs It’s Time for a Career Change: Knowing When to Pivot

Signs It’s Time for a Career Change: Knowing When to Pivot

Your career should be a long-term commitment, but not an infinite one. Just like in a marriage, there will be times when you will feel like exiting your career. Reasons can be persistent dissatisfaction, lack of growth opportunities, stress, burnout, intuition, or you may feel inadequate. Of course, changing jobs advantages exist, but they come with their hassles. This article will explore the signs it’s time for a career change, the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs, and alternatives to a career change.

Signs it’s Time for Career Change

No Room for Growth

One of the fallacies that people often convince themselves of is that all career paths are the same. You can work the same hours with another person and earn less than a tenth of what they do. As a young person who still depends on benefactors, you can choose a career that pays very little because it’s rewarding; however, as we grow and become benefactors (that is, parents), we tend to think selfishly. And selfishness is good. You should want a career where you can grow, do more, earn more, and secure good living conditions for yourself and those you love. You must also weigh the pros and cons of a new job and determine if it will improve your career growth.

Persistent Dissatisfaction

For some reason, you may feel dissatisfied with your current career. It’s normal. Sometimes, when we do the same thing for years or decades, it becomes monotonous. Perhaps everything has become too easy, and nothing is challenging you anymore. A maestro isn’t defined by how good he is but by how much he grows. Persistent dissatisfaction can also come from your workplace, so it’s important to identify that. Maybe your career path isn’t the problem; it could be that you exist in an abusive workplace.

Note: If you are dissatisfied because you are not delivering as expected, then try these things:

  1. Take courses to improve your skills and values
  2. Get the appropriate tools

Remember, you only get better on the job if you learn how to improve.


Burnout can occur for a couple of reasons, the chief being stress. When our careers take up most of our time, it leads to burnout. Can you deliver under constant pressure? Are you always under the microscope? Do you work in a public sphere where your actions are consistently judged? Let’s take two career professionals: musicians and footballers. Musicians can eat what they like, say what they like, frolic with the opposite sex, and do just what they like as long as their songs top the chart. Footballers, however, have to be disciplined. They train consistently, cannot go to the club whenever they like, and receive harsher treatments when they falter.

Perhaps it’s different from your career. It may be time for you to level up your game. If you are burnt out because you work hard, then your yearning for a career change is justified; however, if you feel burnt out because of inadequacy, then maybe it’s time to find a career path you are naturally with.


Sometimes, we may want to change careers because our minds constantly nag us to do it. Intuition is the same as a gut feeling. Sometimes, when you have the gut feeling to do something, do it. However, weighing the pros and cons of changing jobs is important, and you should consider doing it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Changing Jobs

Let’s explore the pros and cons of changing your career.

Advantages of Career Change

  1. You get to step into a new and exciting journey.
  2. You have the experience of navigating career obstacles, so it might be easier to excel.
  3. You can earn more and do more.
  4. You are happier and more fulfilled.
  5. You step into a world where you become more challenged, work harder, and have better job satisfaction.

Disadvantages of Career Change

  1. You may have to spend a lot of money on education in the new career.
  2. You become a newbie, and while navigating a new career from afar may seem noble, actually doing it can become a nightmare.
  3. You have to dedicate time to your new career. This may mean quitting your job and enduring months of zero pay.

How to Safely Switch Careers

Once you have weighed the pros and cons of taking a new job and decided to go ahead, it’s time to consider how to switch jobs safely.

Consider your living expenses: While you may be dissatisfied with your current position, if it pays the bills, it’s important. You need to consider the material cost of changing careers.

Don’t just jump into it: Instead of dumping your old career for a new one, try running both together. Have your foot in the door before abandoning your old job. This will mean working more hours or working on your new career when you get home in the evening. But it’s a good price to pay to be sure if you really want it.


Changing careers is a challenging and exciting process. While it might lead to satisfaction and fulfillment, the process can quickly become a nightmare. Before you change careers, ensure that you have provisions for financial security. This could mean saving enough to get you by for the next six months. Also, do more than just jump into a new career. Test the waters to be sure you can excel in it. Don’t just dump your income because you feel a sense of unhappiness at your place of work. Always consider the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs.

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