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Can You Add Stripe to a Dash App? Explained

Do you have a Dash app that needs payment integration? Are you wondering if it’s possible to integrate Stripe into this Python-based framework for creating interactive web applications? The short answer is: Yes, you can! But let’s explore the details of how to do it, why you might want to, and what you should keep in mind along the way.

What is Dash and Why Use Stripe with It?

Dash, developed by Plotly, is an open-source framework used for building interactive web applications for data visualization. One of Dash’s biggest strengths is its simplicity and ability to integrate multiple components, such as graphs, interactive filters, and controls, into a single dashboard.

Stripe, on the other hand, is an industry-leading online payment processing platform, known for its ease of use, comprehensive API, and wide range of payment options. Adding Stripe to your Dash app is especially useful if you want to:

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrating Stripe into a Dash App

Integrating Stripe with a Dash app requires some skill in both Python and JavaScript since Stripe’s primary frontend tools rely on JavaScript. Below is a detailed outline of the basic steps to follow:

  1. Set up a Stripe Account:

    Register for a Stripe account, and make sure to get your API public and secret keys. These keys will be used to interact with Stripe’s services.

  2. Install Required Libraries:

    Install Stripe’s Python library by running:

    pip install stripe

    Additionally, if you are handling requests between your Dash app and Stripe, you might need Flask or other Flask-related extensions.

  3. Develop the Backend:

    In your Dash app’s server script, include the Stripe API integration for creating payment intents or subscriptions. A basic implementation might look something like:

    import stripe
    stripe.api_key = "your_secret_key"
    @app.server.route('/create-checkout-session', methods=['POST'])
    def create_checkout_session():
            session = stripe.checkout.Session.create(
                        'price_data': {
                            'currency': 'usd',
                            'product_data': {'name': 'Your Product'},
                            'unit_amount': 2000,  # in cents
                        'quantity': 1,
            return jsonify({'id':})
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify(error=str(e)), 403
  4. Embed Stripe’s Checkout Frontend:

    Stripe’s frontend functionality, including its pre-built checkout interface, is primarily JavaScript-based. Use the dash-html-components library to include the stripe.js script tag along with a button that triggers the payment process through JavaScript.

    For example:

    html.Button("Pay Now", id="checkout-button"),
  5. Handle Communication:

    Ensure that you handle interactions between your JavaScript Stripe frontend and your Dash app’s Python backend using Flask’s route handling or callback mechanisms.

Best Practices for Adding Stripe to Dash

Before you dive in, here are a few best practices to ensure a smooth implementation:

When to Use an Alternative

While Dash’s flexibility allows for a Stripe integration, it may not always be the best tool for complex e-commerce solutions. If your primary goal is to build a full-scale online store, platforms like Django or Flask, combined with a proper frontend framework, might be more suitable.


Adding Stripe to a Dash app is entirely feasible and can unlock significant value for apps that involve sales, donations, or subscription-based usage. With some effort, expertise in Python, and a basic understanding of JavaScript, you can create a seamless payment experience for your users.

Whether you’re a data scientist looking to commercialize your insights or a developer creating value through interactive dashboards, Stripe’s integration with Dash can help transform your application into a powerful business tool. Start experimenting today and see the impact it can have!

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