Best Tools and Strategies for SEO and Content Marketing

SEO and Content Marketing are two separate areas of online marketing. However, despite their distinctions, these two domains go hand in hand. This happens because search engines will always seek to display the best and most relevant content for each query. And to make sure that your blog posts make it to the first search results, you need a strategy that focuses on both SEO and Content Marketing.

Best SEO tools and strategies

SEO (search engine optimization) is the sum of all the actions that a marketer can do to increase the quality as well as the quantity of natural, organic traffic. SEO has two major components, on-site and off-site optimization. Ideally, you should start with an SEO audit. For this, we advise you to work with a reputable SEO consultant. Check out for the most comprehensive SEO audits and strategies. Assuming that you have already taken the basic steps for both on-site and off-site optimization, we will focus a little on the strategies and the tools that you can use in order to take your SEO to the next level.

Best Tools and Strategies for SEO and Content Marketing

  • An impeccable site architecture – Search engines love a website with a clean architecture, so you might want to put some effort into cleaning up your URLs. You should focus not only on renaming long URLs or the ones that contain non-ASCII characters, but also on finding duplicate page titles and meta descriptions. Tools to use: Screaming Frog – It is very easy to use. All you have to do is insert your root domain in the search bar and the app will take care of the rest. It is also free to use for up to 500 URLs.
  • Clean redirects for your link building campaigns – Google has a crawl budget for each website, based on their page ranks. If you have a lot of broken links, you might be wasting a lot of your crawl budget, leaving less for the URLs that are really important. So, take care of your broken links with a nice 404 page or a 301 redirect to relevant webpages. Tools to use: Google Search Console, Hubspot.
  • Clean code – Every delay can be the loss of a conversion, so it is essential to clean your code to make sure your site loads as quickly as possible. Tools to use: Google Page Speed Insights, CloudFare, W3 Total cache plugin (for WordPress only)
  • Optimized content – Long tail keywords are your best way to optimize low performing content. You can also boost click-through rates by enhancing your headlines with power keywords such as authentic, guaranteed, backed, results, proven, endorsed and so on. It is also important to write content on topics that are trending. Tools to use: Feedly, TrendSpottr, Google Trends, Hemingway Editor (grammar spelling and readability)

Best Content Marketing tools and strategies

Writing decent quality content used to be enough to get visitors, but nowadays there is so much content on the internet that each blog post is a fierce fight for attention. So, you need a good strategy in order to write high quality content and push it out there to make it visible to as many people as possible. There are some simple and efficient ways to do this.

  • Keep track of all your ideas – Do you ever get a great idea while in traffic, but by the time you get home, you can’t seem to put it into words. The best ideas happen when you least expect and you need a good way to keep track of them. Tools to use: Evernote, Microsoft OneNote.

Some Other Important Blog Posts Are –

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  • Find your sources of inspiration – While inspiration often comes naturally, there are ways to force it and overcome even the most stubborn writer’s block. In most cases, a good blog post starts with a great title. Tools to use: Portent’s Content Idea Generator, ilys.
  • Don’t neglect the power of visual content – A picture can speak more than a thousand words, and if that picture happens to be a chart or an infographic, it will surely keep your audience more engaged. Tools to use:

1 thought on “Best Tools and Strategies for SEO and Content Marketing”

  1. Thank you for your post that highlights some of the best seo tools and mthods. Search engine optimization can seem complicated to many and guidance to reliable tools and methods are always appreciated

    Content marketing tools are also important and can also make a difference in SERP results as well.


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